Danyluk: the Loss from the blockade of Donbas may reach 2% of GDP

Данилюк: Потери от блокады Донбасса могут составить до 2% ВВП

Alexander Danilyuk

Finance Minister Alexander danyluk notes that losses from the blockade of Donbas may reach 2% of GDP. He said this during the 13th annual investment conference of Dragon Capital in Kiev, transfer “Ukrainian news”.

“We have a middle scenario - 1-1,3%, but it could be worse - up to 2% (of GDP losses from the blockade of Donbass)”, - said the Minister.
However, he did not mention the size of the expected losses of state budget revenues.

In turn, the national Bank earlier announced that the blockade of the routes in the Donbass will slow down the GDP growth by 1.3 percentage points to 1.5% in 2017.

We will remind, on March 15, the national security Council and frontier service said that cargo transportation through the line of differentiation on Donbass blocked.

Recall that the President proposed to monitor these decisions to create including mobile volunteer groups.

News: Ukraine will lose billions of hryvnia due to the expropriation of businesses in the Donbas - media

Also, the interior, the national police, the National guard and the SBU was instructed to take additional measures to strengthen public security and anti-sabotage and terrorist manifestations, attempts to breach public order.

In mid-December, 2016, the veterans of the ATO have announced the preparation of blockade of the occupied territories. Was subsequently blocked the train tracks, which supplied anthracite coal. Because of the blockade of Donbass by the Cabinet of Ministers from February 17 was introduced a state of emergency in the energy sector.

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