7-year-old Ivan Kalinin was awarded for the discovery 14 grenades in the school yard in Kramatorsk

Rewarding 7-year-old hero of Ivan Kalinin

Kramatorsk police officers awarded the first grade of secondary school No. 3 Ivan Kalinin, who reported the discovery of 14 grenades in the school yard. This was told in the press service of the police of the Donetsk region.

“Deputy head of the Kramatorsk police Department Andrew Druma presented the first grader, 7-year-old Ivan, an honorary diploma and a memorable gift for the right action at detection of explosive subjects that could turn into a tragedy”, - is spoken in the message.

Rewarding 7-year-old hero of Ivan Kalinin

Ivan recalls how walking in the evening in the schoolyard with two friends, older than him by several years.

“When we found the grenades, my friend didn’t believe that this is ammo. “This potato,” he said. But I immediately realized how dangerous the find, and told them in any case them not to touch, ran to mother and told me,” says the boy.

Ivan Kalinin near the school

Recall that 7-year-old boy walking with friends in the corner of the yard of the local school № 3 was found in a box of grenades.

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