Odessa, the developer has told about the plans to build near Odessa resort, about raiding and inertia of bureaucratic thinking
Oleg Ellie is uncharacteristic for Ukraine businessman. Widely known in Odessa, he acquired a unique build and good even for Kiev apartment area Green Cape, creating not just housing but a life that does not end at the front door of the apartment. Now Ellie is working on implementing a much more ambitious project — a resort that is comparable in scale and quality with the most sonorous Mediterranean counterparts.
- Oleg Georgievich, unlike many Ukrainian developers you are not hereditary Builder, not graduated from a specialized University. How did you get into this business?
- In the 90 years I’ve tried many. It was briefly the Deputy Director of the famous market 7-th kilometer. After he started his own business: he opened a chain of kiosks, was engaged in wholesale trade of food products traded petroleum products and wholesale and retail, developed retail trade press.
And in 2001 I built a house for his family. Then I was fascinated by the literature on construction and architecture and just drowned in your new hobby. I don’t believe in coincidence, but the first steps in the industry looked like a chain of unexpected events: I participated in the creation of the rehabilitation Center for children them. Janusz Korczak, where he received his first experience as a developer and architect. Later, together with representatives of the American Embassy and the city of Odessa has worked to create a regional burn center. Then he built a small condominium Fiesta in Ilyichevsk. Then I met a man who later became my friend, ally, companion. His name is Ivan Ovsak, he from Svalyava, a man infinitely in love with his profession Builder, a competent practitioner and theoretician of the art of building.
- The Ukrainian construction industry is now very rarely builds entire neighborhoods. This is due to the fact that this task is more complicated financially and ideologically. In Soviet times built the blocks for the Soviet people with the Soviet needs. For whom are you building and what an idea to invest?
- I am attracted to the idea that the creation of a decent environment has a beneficial effect on people. And I am glad that my idea finds direct confirmation. We have built in the village Kryzhanivka near Odessa complex Green Cape, where he made front homes with cabinets, bookshelves and Wallpapers, the rooms on the ground floor for washing dogs ‘ legs. On the street landscape design, fountains, equipped barbecue areas, skate. And communicating with the residents, I recognize that people have to greet the neighbors, be treated with benevolence to others, and more careful to their environment. It’s all there in the village, which is experiencing not the best times, I wish this was the whole village that the conditions of life improved people.
Now in the implementation stage we have a new, more complex and ambitious project, which we have called Columbus. Our idea is to construct an analogue of the Italian resorts of Portofino or the Cinque Terre. Public outdoor resort is not for the elite, but for ordinary people.
If we talk about the financial component, we are building for the average Ukrainian, but has set the goal of such quality that appear here will not be ashamed and elite. In the same Cinque Terre you will see a Ferrari and hundreds of mopeds.
We don’t plan to build posh restaurants, but really wish they were good and interesting.
To people coming to the sea, do not ask: where is your fish? We are not planning to cost a yacht Marina. But it will be a boat dock. To try the captain will be affordable for everyone.
So our idea is to build for people. And our target audience in the project Columbus — people who want to relax.
- We know that you have a conflict with the head of the village Kryzhanivka Natalia Grain, which prevents the implementation of your project Columbus. Tell me, why Kryzhanivka? It might be easier to look for another place?
- The choice of Kryzhanivka is not accidental. I grew up here. Fished in the summer gobies and crustaceans, so we called shrimp. My childhood was spent knee-deep in water. I love Odessa and I love Solar. I want to make his small home and bring positive change.
We started the project is atypical for the Ukrainian realities. From the very beginning invested in communications: gas, purchased electric power, sewage systems. Including rain, which is badly needed in such places because of the lack of collapse of the Bank. Also we already invested several million dollars to strengthen the banks of bored piles and partially cleaned up the area where it will be built by Columbus. We did not collect money from people before the construction, and certainly not mastered the state — we invested. And do not consider it necessary to drop everything just because someone wants to subjugate our investments, our projects, our dreams.
- What, in your opinion, the motive Particles? Self.
- No doubt she’s a dependent player. During the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych it was controlled by people from the entourage of former Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka. I’m with these people had numerous contacts, though not tried it. When the project was implemented in Green Cape, we began to gain rapid popularity, though, did not aspire to it, and then we began to “extrude”. At Yanukovych it was commonplace, nothing new here, I do not tell everything like everyone else: demanded money, a share in the business.
When the Maidan began, we supported it wholeheartedly. Both morally and financially. After the change of government, we from the first days began to assist the volunteers. At the request of my friend, who hails from Kropiwnicki, we sent more than 40 cars with ammunition for the assault brigade from this city. We were on a big emotional lift.
But it quickly became clear that Yanukovych supporters simply changed the color and did not disappear. We still “offered share“. And offer still. Against us on the Internet launched a campaign for the dissemination of lies defaming us. Forged documents, invented ties with Yanukovych. The Internet will endure everything, so to speak.
And Grain is just a grain of hybrid confrontation with us. Personal conflict I have with it, is philosophical. My good friend had the idea to build a College in Kryzhanivka. It is a worldwide practice — an educational institution outside the city. I tried to negotiate, but Bit told me that will not allow to build “a school for the rich.“ The idea of quotas for able children irrespective of financial status of their parents did not attract her. She just doesn’t understand that the successful school can celebrate the Solar all over the country and even abroad. It is a product of the old times.
- And from the point of view of the public good? And you want to build in the resort area, and your competitors. Let them seek unlawful by this, but what advantages does your project have for the community, for the region and for the country?
- Unlike our mythical competitors, we don’t want to take the land of the village — we namyvali land for building. It is quite expensive and the waiting list for us is not necessary. Grain for eight years, says that she will bring in another investor, but further conversations business does not go.
It is also important that our project involves the creation of about 3 thousand jobs, which is comparable with the entire working population of Kryzhanivka. Also nobody else is involved in protection. You know how looks the sea shore in this region is a picturesque 30-meter cliffs. But the state has no money for coastal protection. Already in several settlements of the region, the cliffs approached the nearest homes.
In addition, I am confident that we will be able to build a resort that can compete with foreign ones. And then there’s a chance that it will be built another and another. And competition we are not afraid.
- Columbus is your main professional project in the near future. Is there a future personal project, not related to work?
- Don’t believe me when I tell that to the people who knows me. But after Columbus I want to switch to writing short stories. I want to write some children’s books. Want to continue travelling by Bicycle and studying photography, which is very enthusiastic. I want to continue to lead architectural Studio and to concentrate on work. And to move away from the building.
Правильно, хай і за кордоном знають що в Крижанівці є місце де можна шикарно відпочити!!!Хай приїжають на наш курорт!!!
Uh. So smart girl.
Kryzhanivka without Elli and his boys - this will make people living there happy.
Когда планы инвестора воплотятся в жизнь, о Крыжановке будут знать и за границей, думаю условия будут на высоком уровне.
Надеюсь в Крыжановке в скором времени будет так же красиво и ухоженно как и в Европе. Ведь Крыжановка шикарное место лоя отдыха, пусть больше туристов приезжает посетить наш город и село!!!
Колуб будущее Крыжановки , если сельсовет сделает все чтоб Колумб не построили то , Крыжановка погибнет во лжи и коррупции Крупицы.
Shut up, bustard
Elli - wifely known as bustard and man who follow bandit rules in so called busyness.
Understand ?
Remember that
часто слежу за тем, что происходит в нашей Крыжановке - какие проекты и какие из этого перспективы в дальнейшем - у Элли самые здравые и выгодные для всех планы. почему бы не объединить с ним усилия?
Very worried about the whole situation in Kryzhanovka and try to support the investor in all ways. I wish him success and advancement in his ambitious plans