The crash of An-148 in Russia: Klimkin expressed condolences to the families of the victims

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has posted on Twitter his condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims of the crash of An-148 in the Moscow region of the Russian Federation.

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims in the crash in the Moscow region the plane An-148.

“I Express my condolences to the families of those killed in the plane crash near Moscow”, – wrote the head of the MFA of Ukraine on Twitter.

Visaully spivchuttya ranim bliskim sahibli in aviakatastrofe nepodal od Moscow. My condolences to the families & friends of those who lost their lives in the plane crash near Moscow

— Pavlo Klimkin (@PavloKlimkin) 11 Feb 2018

Foreign Ministry: Ukrainians in the crashed An-148 was not

We will remind, on Sunday, February 11, after departure from Domodedovo to Orsk crashed passenger aircraft an-148 Saratov airlines. On Board were 71 people – 65 passengers and six crew members.

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The crash of An-148 in Russia

There was a video of wreck of An-148 near Moscow

Called the basic version of wreck of An-148

Foreign Ministry: Ukrainians in the crashed An-148 was not

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