Torticollis: Personnel changes in the PA to decentralize power and economic development

The appointment of Ihor Rainin head up, and Boris Lozhkin the head of the National investment Council is a manifestation of the desire of the President to intensify work in the sphere of decentralization of power and develop the economy through attracting investments. This position was expressed in the air of the people’s Deputy of Ukraine from party “popular front” Gennady Krivosheya the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.

“First, the President wants to strengthen work in the field of decentralization of power. Second – Lozhkin will be engaged in the investment, which suggests that there will be more investment projects, and this – the development of the economy. Therefore, if these factors will be divided between two people in AP, I think it would be more serious work… But there are some problems on the ground, so you need to carry out education and training processes,” said Wryneck.

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We will remind, the President Petro Poroshenko today has appointed Ihor Rainin as head of his Administration. Earlier rainin was the head of the Kharkiv regional state administration, and at the head of the presidential Administration was replaced by Boris Lozhkin.

Meanwhile, Boris Lozhkin, the President appointed the head of the National investment Council. Lozhkin has denied rumors that he allegedly tired, and said he had a desire to make Ukraine “a Mecca for foreign investment.”

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